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After Falling through a well shaft, you find yourself stuck underground, and you are not alone.

Underworlds Foley

Since the age of eight, I have played the well-known game

"World of Warcraft" among many other MMO/RPG games throughout the years, and have always been curious as to how games got their sound. As I grew older I learned that it was the work of Foley Artists.

In creating the sound of a torch I layered the individual sounds of the plastic covering of a package that toothbrushes come in, to create the popping, the sound of a crinkling paper bag, to create the flame, and then put the plastic in the brown paper bag and put the paper bag in a larger plastic bag and layered that sound on top of the individual sounds to create the sound of the torch.

The Footsteps throughout the game are recording of me walking on different surfaces. From concrete in a garage to wet, rotting wood from an old porch.





The Voice in the game is a layering of mine and my brother's voice, that got heavily processed with reverb and pitched down. The Reverb processing makes the voice seem like it's coming from a distance, but at the same time, it feels like the being could catch up any second.


The Ambiences heard throughout the game were assets used from the internet and MIDI synth layered together. 

Throughout the game, you hear the ambiances and all of the subtleties in them.

I like the idea of using subtle things behind all of the main chaos of a game, that way when you are playing and finally hear that sound, you end up sitting in one spot for a while, listening in hopes to catch the sound again. I know I've caught myself doing that many times.



Sound Design copyright (c) Nicholas Davis 2021.

Gameplay footage and game design belong to Full Sail University.

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